Inpublic develops research-driven strategies to help its clients beat their competition. Using cutting-edge tools and technologies, we go beyond the research to put issues and ideas in their proper social, political and economic context, developing clear answers and actionable solutions.
Track your brand’s health. Understand and improve your reputation. Measure the impact of key business issues.
Segment the marketplace. Build a public policy or public service offering. Understand and predict behaviors.
Launch a new product or service. Build a winning brand strategy. Differentiate your brand from competitors.
Careful forethought. Flawless execution. Constant and clear communication. And an all-encompassing obsession with detail. This focus has to be maintained from survey design through fieldwork to reporting.
What is my brand's health status? How is my organization perceived among stakeholders? How can I make an early identification and response to a crisis or competitive attack? How can I refine my messaging and build a compelling and enduring narrative?
Inpublic has been helping clients develop winning campaigns and public policy initiatives for 10 years. Inpublic provides polling, strategy and full service political communications services as well as assistance in developing new poblic policy initiatives.
Where should we look for our next wave of growth? Who are my most valuable customers or voters today and in the future? What is my roadmap or plan to win? What is the right set of moves to drive growth quickly and profitably?
Marketing Insights
Value Propositions
Go-to-Market Strategy
Growth Strategy
New Public Policies
Marketing Activation
Inpublic’s research approach to developing brand and product positioning comes from our experience in competitive markets: find the customers that will drive growth, tap into their hearts and minds, and do it better than your competition.
How can I revitalize my brand? How can I reposition my brand relative to emerging competitors? How can I better align my customer experience with my brand? How do I engage my employees with my brand?
Brand Positioning
Brand Portfolio
Customer Experience
Brand Architecture
Visual Systems
Employee Engagement
To stand out in today’s competitive marketplace, leading organizations must combine build relevant brands and reputations, create strategies that drive growth and ignite digital transformation.
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Pacurari 11, Iasi 700511, Romania • office@inpublic.ro • Linkedin